Important Questions for NEET 2021
1. Unbranched stem is character of which gymnosperm :- (1) Pinus (2) Cycas (3) Cedrus (4) Lycopodium 2. Mycelium of basidiomycetes is :- (1) Branched and septate (2) Unbranched and aspeptate (3) Branched and coenocytic (4) Unbranched and coenocytic 3. Which of the following fermented beverage is produced by without distillation :- (1) Beer (2) Brandy (3) Whisky (4) Rum 4. Statins produced by the yeast (monascus purpureus) have been commercialised as :- (1) Blood sugar lowering agent (2) Blood cholesterol lowering agent (3) Clot buster (4) Immuno suppressive agent 5. Which one is incorrect match :- (1) Citric acid - Aspergillus niger (2) Statins - clot buster (3) Cyclosporin-A - Tricoderma polysporum (4) Streptokinase - Streptococcus 6. The "Roquefort cheese" are ripened by growing a specific fungi on them. Name of fungus is :- (1) Penicillium roquefortii (2) Streptococcus (3) Agaricus (4) Albugo 7. During respiration, the conversion of pyruvic acid into CO2 and a two carbon...