
Important Questions for NEET 2021

1. Unbranched stem is character of which  gymnosperm :- (1) Pinus (2) Cycas (3) Cedrus (4) Lycopodium 2. Mycelium of basidiomycetes is :- (1) Branched and septate (2) Unbranched and aspeptate (3) Branched and coenocytic (4) Unbranched and coenocytic 3. Which of the following fermented beverage is produced by without distillation :- (1) Beer (2) Brandy (3) Whisky (4) Rum 4. Statins produced by the yeast (monascus purpureus) have been commercialised as :- (1) Blood sugar lowering agent (2) Blood cholesterol lowering agent (3) Clot buster (4) Immuno suppressive agent 5. Which one is incorrect match :- (1) Citric acid - Aspergillus niger (2) Statins - clot buster (3) Cyclosporin-A - Tricoderma polysporum (4) Streptokinase - Streptococcus 6. The "Roquefort cheese" are ripened by growing a specific fungi on them. Name of fungus is :- (1) Penicillium roquefortii (2) Streptococcus (3) Agaricus (4) Albugo 7. During respiration, the conversion of pyruvic acid into CO2  and a two carbon...

Cell Biology & Cell division for NTA NEET

Cell Biology & Cell Division                                                                      By                                                   T.Arzoo (MBBS Student) NBMC&H , Darjeeling  Mock Test 👍 Link: Someone important points: Cell Biology  Study of form, structure, and composition of cell is called  cytology . Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. In unicellular organism (amoeba, paramecium, yeast, bacteria) single cell performs all the essential functions of life. In multicellular organism, different kinds of tissues perform...

NEET Guidance & Biology Doubt Solving✓

NEET Guidance & Unlimited Doubt Clearance on Biology✓ By: Mr. T Arzoo (Medico✓) Some important points __🩺 •How to prepare for NEET within remaining period of time: . 1. Previous year question papers✓ 2. Important Topics* and chapters✓ 3.Clear your Doubt as soon as possible … Physics: . •Modern Physics & Semiconductor devices, Magnetism & matter, Current electricity, newton laws System of particles & rotation motion, Thermal Conduction & KTG,Organ Pipe, Stationary Wave, Alternating Current. . •Chemistry: Chemical bonding & molecular structure, s & P block elements, Equilibrium,Mole Concept, Solid State, Chemical Kinetics, d & f block elements, Reaction Mechanism part 2, Polymers. . •Biology: biological classification, plant kingdom, animal kingdom, cell, human physiology, health & disease, ecology, principle of inheritance & variation, Human reproduction. . 4. Tips to keep in mind to ace NEET •To ace the NEET only one thing is required that is sp...